The climate is our business

December 20 2021
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We know our business and we know what’s our core product. There’s a reason people want to come to the Mediterranean. There’s a reason the Mediterranean attracts more people every year than the United States, UK, Russia, and China combined. Yes, combined. And frankly the reason is obvious – it’s the weather. Yes, it’s also the culture, the gastronomy and the people and the hospitality, but truth be told – none of those things would be of much importance if the weather was lousy. So, let’s be honest – without a nice, alluring climate – we would not have a viable business model. A great villa is not of much use if you’re in a tundra and you’re not going to enjoy that infinity pool if there’s a hurricane coming your way. Or a flood. Or if it’s 46 degrees Celsius for that matter.

So, what we’re trying to say is that we have a great (business) interest in our climate and the environment. We know we depend on it. We also profit from it, in more ways than one. So, we’d like to do everything we can to preserve it.




Going where the guests are

There is good evidence that travellers’ preferences, especially the top-tier ones, have considerably evolved over the past decade when it comes to the environment. According to a 2019 report from 72% of travellers expressed the belief that “people need to act now and make sustainable travel choices” and 55% of them were “more determined to make sustainable travel choices than they were a year ago.” Indicating a growing trend, the report showed that every year more and more travellers say they intend to “stay at least once in an eco-friendly or green accommodation.” There has generally been an increase in demand for responsible tourism, that is defined as one that “minimizes negative social, economic and environmental impacts and generates greater economic benefits for local people and enhances the well-being of host communities.” There have been clear signs that these trends have been around for some time now - a large survey from 2015 (also by showed that around 52% of global travellers said “they’re likely to choose a hotel and destination based on its social or environmental impact.” Furthermore - over the last three years, 60% of U.S. travellers reported taking a “sustainable” trip and say they “have a responsibility to make sure their trips do not cause harm to a destination.”


To put it another way, our (potential) guests don’t just think of themselves when they travel, they also think of the environment and the impact they have on the places they visit. And they also want any brand involved with organizing that experience to share those values and principles.


Covid19, the great accelerator

It’s true that the coronavirus pandemic ushered in some new trends like the increase in length of the stay, the hunger for larger spaces, privacy, and seclusion. But it also emphasized a trend that was already taking place even before Covid hit – a preference for green and sustainable tourism. There are multiple signs indicating that travellers are going to take the environmental impact into consideration when planning future holidays. A recent survey stated that “nearly half of UK residents say that seeing nature recover during COVID-19 lockdown has made them more eco-conscious when it comes to booking holidays.” Yes, it seems that being cramped up in an apartment for a couple of months made us all more appreciative of nature and more aware of the repercussions of our own behaviour.


Travellers today look for companies that are doing something to minimise their impact on the planet and every travel brand that wants to prosper in this conscience-driven market must acknowledge this and adapt. So, what is Escapian doing?




What can we do for the environment?

As an eco-minded brand Escapian is determined to offset some of the effects that the travel and tourism industries generate. We know that someone has to pick up the eco-tab. That’s why we pledge to give 1% of our revenue to environmental groups and organizations that are committed to making our planet a sustainable one. They share our common goal of making and keeping Croatia green. Escapian also partners with hosts that share our dedication. Each Escapian host has the option of also donating a part of their revenue to the same organizations if they so choose. And in addition to all this, Escapian will offer each guest an option to make a 1% eco-contribution while booking a stay - therefore encouraging and including all three parties to take part in the fight against climate change.


A place that’s here to stay

Do you remember the cool Chacaltaya Glacier in Bolivia? Of course you don’t because it’s long gone thanks to climate change. Well, we don’t want to join that list. Our aim is to remain a hot-spot for upscale luxury travel well into the future, we just don’t want that hot-spot becoming too hot.


Written by Luka